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Tuobo packaging is committed to providing all disposable packaging for coffee shops, pizza shops, all restaurants and bake house, etc , including coffee paper cups, beverage cups, hamburger boxes, pizza boxes, paper bags, paper straws and other products.

All packaging products are based on the concept of green and environmental protection. Food grade materials are selected, which will not affect the flavor of food materials. It is waterproof and oil-proof, and it is more reassuring to put them in.

As for Ice Cream Cup Vs Cone, Why Businesses Prefer Ice Cream Paper Cup?

I. Introduction

Ice cream packaging is one of the important factors that attract consumers. It plays a crucial role in enhancing product value. And it can increase sales volume, and improve consumer experience.

In ice cream packaging, ice cream paper cups and ice cream cones are the two most common forms. This article will explore the advantages and limitations of two packaging methods. And it will analyze why merchants prefer ice cream cups over ice cream cones.


II. The advantages of ice cream paper cups

A. Hygiene and convenience

Ice cream paper cups have the characteristic of being disposable, avoiding cross contamination issues. The paper cups used by each customer are brand new, and there is no need to worry about hygiene issues. Compared to ice cream cones, ice cream paper cups do not require direct contact with the hands. Thus, this reduces the risk of infection with pathogens. Besides, the design of the paper cup is convenient for customers to hold. This can provide a better consumer experience.

B. Diversified size and capacity options

Ice cream paper cups can be selected in different specifications according to market demand. Such as small, medium, and large cups. This diverse capacity selection meets the needs of different consumers. Some consumers like to try different flavors of ice cream. They can choose small cup sizes and taste different flavors in smaller quantities. And some consumers may want large cups of ice cream to satisfy their sweet craving.

C. Printable promotional space

Ice cream paper cups can become a powerful tool for businesses to promote and market their brands. Merchants can print brand logos, slogans, contact information, and other forms of marketing information on paper cups. This can effectively increase brand exposure. And this can also attract consumers' attention. When customers hold paper cups, they will notice the printed information on them. This helps to increase brand awareness and customer turnover. The printed promotional content can also be combined with other marketing activities. Thus, this can further increase sales volume.

Ice cream paper cups have advantages such as hygiene and convenience, diverse size and capacity options, and printable promotional space. These advantages not only meet the needs of consumers, but also provide a good consumption experience. And these can help businesses enhance their brand image, increase sales volume, and improve customer satisfaction. Therefore, ice cream paper cups are a widely used packaging method.

What a great experience it is to pair an ice cream paper cup with a wooden spoon! We use high-quality materials, high-quality products, and natural wooden spoons, which are odorless, non-toxic, and harmless. Green products, recyclable, environmentally friendly. This paper cup can ensure that the ice cream maintains its original flavor and improve customer satisfaction. Click here to take a look at our ice cream paper cups with wooden spoons!

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III. Restrictions on ice cream cones

A. Potential health issues

Customers need to hold a tube to enjoy ice cream. So the design of the ice cream cone inevitably requires contact with the hands. This type of hand contact may cause hygiene issues. Especially during the ice cream production or service process. If the hand hygiene of the operator is not in place, it may cause cross infection. Compared to paper cups, ice cream cones increase the risk of infectious diseases.

B. Limited selection of capacity and size

The capacity and size of ice cream in cylindrical packaging are often fixed and difficult to adjust flexibly. This may cause some problems. For example, businesses find it difficult to meet the needs of different consumers. Sometimes consumers may only want to taste a small amount of ice cream. But if the capacity of cylindrical packaging is large, it will lead to waste. On the other hand, for high-volume consumers, the capacity of cylindrical packaging may not be sufficient to meet their needs. This lack of choice may limit consumer satisfaction and willingness to purchase.

C. Unable to promote

Compared to paper cups, ice cream cones cannot provide effective promotional space for brands. The space for printing text, patterns, or brand logos on ice cream cones is limited. This limits the opportunities for merchants to promote and market their brands. In a fiercely competitive market, brand promotion is very important. This can help businesses attract customer attention. And it can also help them enhance brand awareness and win customer loyalty. However, the limited printing space in cylindrical packaging may result in businesses losing some marketing opportunities.

IV. Cost effectiveness of paper cups

Reduce losses and waste

The packaging of paper cups makes ice cream less fragile or damaged. Compared to ice cream in cylindrical packaging, paper cups can better maintain the integrity and quality of ice cream. This helps to reduce the loss of ice cream during production, transportation, and sales. This helps to reduce losses for businesses. In addition, paper cups can also control the amount of ice cream and better meet the needs of consumers. This can reduce waste caused by excessive ice cream. For consumers, paper cups are also easier to carry and store. And the paper cup is not easy to leak or overflow, allowing the quality of the ice cream to be maintained.

V. Environmental considerations

A. Recyclability and environmental friendliness

Paper cups are a recyclable material. Recycling can reduce resource consumption and environmental burden. Compared to other materials, paper cups have higher recyclability. Such as plastic cup or foam cup. Because the reprocessing process of paper is relatively simple and can maintain good quality.

Merchants choosing to use recyclable paper cups can meet consumers' increasing environmental awareness. This can also demonstrate their sense of responsibility for environmental protection. Consumers are increasingly paying attention to environmental protection, and they are more willing to choose products packaged with environmentally friendly materials. Therefore, choosing to use paper cups not only meets consumers' environmental needs, but also enhances brand image and reputation.

B. Reduce plastic consumption

The use of paper cups can effectively reduce the demand for plastic cups, thereby reducing plastic consumption. Plastic cups are usually made of plastic materials such as polypropylene. And the production of these materials requires limited resources such as oil. And its production process also generates a large amount of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Choosing paper cups as substitutes reduces the demand for plastic cups. And it can also save valuable resources and reduce the burden on the environment.

In addition, paper cups can help reduce Plastic pollution and waste generation. Plastic cups usually become waste after use and are difficult to decompose. They exist in the natural environment for a long time. And paper cups are biodegradable and can be decomposed under appropriate conditions. This reduces long-term pollution to the environment. By using paper cups, the use of plastic cups and the generation of waste can be reduced, thereby protecting the environment.

Customized ice cream cups with lids not only help keep your food fresh, but also attract customer attention. Colorful printing can leave a good impression on customers and increase their desire to purchase your ice cream. Our customized paper cups use the most advanced machine and equipment, ensuring that your paper cups are printed clearly and more attractive. Come and click here to learn about our ice cream paper cups with paper lids and ice cream paper cups with arch lids!

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VI. Summary

Merchants tend to choose ice cream paper cups over ice cream cones mainly because paper cups have multiple advantages.

Firstly, ice cream paper cups can provide a more hygienic usage environment. The paper cup is disposable, and consumers can ensure that every time they enjoy ice cream, it is a new and clean cup. In contrast, ice cream cones are often in contact with multiple consumers and are susceptible to contamination by bacteria and pollutants.

Secondly, the use of ice cream paper cups is more convenient. The paper cup can be used directly in your hand without the need for additional tools or wrapping with paper towels. This design is convenient for consumers to use. This allows them to enjoy ice cream anytime and anywhere without the need to find seats or other assistive tools.

Thirdly, ice cream paper cups can provide more diverse options. Paper cups can be designed and printed according to different needs and consumer preferences. This can enable businesses to provide a more diverse range of ice cream flavors and packaging styles.

In addition, the printability of ice cream cups is also one of the considerations for businesses. Merchants can print their brand logo, slogans, advertisements, and other information on paper cups. This can facilitate their brand promotion and promotion. This freedom of customization can enhance the brand's visibility and image.

Compared to ice cream paper cups, ice cream cones have some limitations.

Firstly, the hygiene issue of ice cream containers is an important limiting factor. Traditional ice cream cones may face hygiene issues due to being touched by multiple consumers. This requires additional measures to be taken. Adding protective film to protect consumers' health and safety.

Secondly, the selection of ice cream cones is relatively limited. In contrast, paper cups can be designed and customized according to different products and brands, providing a more comprehensive selection.

Finally, for businesses, the cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of paper cups are also important considerations. The cost of paper cups is relatively low, making them easy to purchase and replace. The recyclability and degradability of paper cups can reduce the burden on the environment. This meets the requirements of consumers and society for environmental protection.

In summary, ice cream paper cups have advantages such as hygiene, convenience, diversity, and printability. However, ice cream containers have limitations such as hygiene issues, limited selection, and lack of publicity. In addition, the cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness of paper cups are also important factors that businesses consider. Therefore, businesses are more inclined to choose ice cream paper cups as the packaging method.

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Post time: Jun-21-2023